Sunday, March 4, 2012


So for Lent this year I decided not to give something up but to add something to my life. I decided that I was going to add daily exercise back into my day so I could try and get back into some kind of shape and to a routine like I was in last year at this time. So I got the crazy idea that I was going to do the 60 challenge of INSANITY. For those of you that have never seen, done or heard of this workout before the name is perfect! The trainer in the videos name is Shawn T and he is crazy. All of his videos are high energy, cardio videos. I dont think I have ever sweated so much in my life! I have now been doing these videos for almost 2 weeks and I dont think they are getting any easier. But I am really starting to enjoy these 30-45 min workouts that kick my butt every time! I think I enjoy them so much because it is a good butt kick and I am hoping that by the end of the 60 days I will start to notice some type of change and that the INSANITY of these workouts was worth it! This next week is going to be really hard and I am going to have to focus on keeping my workout routine. I will be in FL again for another national event and well the weekend will be hard to get a workout in. But I am going to stick to my guns and make sure that I stick to my routine and not let anything cause me to fall off! For now I am down around 3 pounds and hoping that I will lose more in the next 5weeks! I will keep you guys posted on how things are going and hopefully i can report that by the end of April that i have lost a lot more weight!! Well hope everyone that is on spring break or getting ready to go on spring break have a fun and safe time!! 

Chloe :)

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