Friday, April 5, 2013

Almost 30

ONE MONTH FROM TODAY I TURN 30!! I cannot believe I turn 30 in one month. Where in the world have my 20's gone? I feel like just yesterday I turned 21 or 25 or even 28 when I started this blog. I feel like my 20's have flown by, even though they really haven't. I wasn't sure if I was ready to leave my 20's behind and enter my 30's but I think I will be in a month. I know that May 6th (the day after I turn 30) will feel no different than May 4th (the last day I am 29) but I think its just the thought of turning 30. When I was 19 about to turn 20 it was exciting because I was leaving my teenage years behind and everyone is always ready to no longer be a teenager when they are 19 plus it puts you one year away from being able to legally drink. But I think turning 30 makes me realize that I am really a grown up now and their is no turning back. My life is not what I expected it to be 10 years ago when I thought about where I would be when I turn 30 but that is okay! So here's to my last month of being 20 and being ready to embrace 30 head on and whatever exciting experiences another decade and being in my 30's brings me! 

Chloe :)

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