I cant believe it but the time has come....I said goodbye to my 20's on Sat and Hello to 30 on Sunday. I cant believe the time has gone bye so fast. Well at least I feel like it went by fast even though I know the last 2 years did not fly by at all!!
Boy how my life has changed in the last 2 years since I started this blog. I have finally found a full time job, picked up my life and moved to Tennessee, made some knew friends and learned so much about myself. I am a totally different person today compared to when I was 28. You wouldn't think that things would change so much in 2 years but boy did they.
I am really happy with myself and with life. My 20's were such a roller coaster filled with lots of ups and downs. From graduating college with both a bachelors and masters degree to the death of my daddy. Through it all i have turned out a better person and I wouldn't be the person I am today without everything that happened to me during my 20's. But I am glad to say goodbye to them and hello to my 30s. I am ready to face this new decade head on and I cant wait to see all the adventures (weather good or bad) that will come my way. I know that I will still learn a lot about myself but I am ready for it.
I spent my birthday in FL working a competition. Yes I worked on my birthday. But I wanted to see some of my good friends and well
going to Disney to work a comp is the only way that was going to happen. Even though I worked I really enjoyed my birthday! My friends made sure it was a special day. Erin and James sent beautiful flowers to me in FL, Hehe made me a hat and sash, Katie gave me a sweet card and lots of others just gave me hugs and told me happy birthday. All I cared about were the people I would be with not anything else. So I thank everyone for helping me have such a great day!!
Lots of people have asked me how it feels to be 30 and right now it feels no different. But ask me in a year or 2 and I might actually have a different opinion. One thing I do know is that I am not 21 anymore and I can no longer act like that or pretend like I am. But I do still feel like I am 25 and not 30 (which I have no idea what 30 should feel like)
So now on to a new decade and changing of the name of my blog. So keep checking back because the name change will be happening very soon. Love you guys!!
Chloe :)
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