So the first week of my summer was spent at the University of Alabama helping train the new members of the VCA aka "Redshirt" family. I really had a great time getting to see some of my favorite old friends and meeting new ones! This week was a nice break from my normal life and I dont think it could have been any better. I won Vet of The Year for the Southeast region on awards night (which I was not expecting) and just loved being around the people that mean the most to me! You know people are really true friends when you dont see each other for a year but pick up right where you left off the second your are together again! I love these people and I cant wait till we can all be together again!! So here's to an amazing summer filled with lots of memories, friends, hard work and good times!!!
Chloe :)
Well it is summer time!! Starting Sunday my travels and adventures of summer 9 working for Varsity begins!! I am very excited about this summer, ready to meet some new people and see lots of old friends!! So here's to lots of traveling, having no AC in my car for summer #4, lots of fun, friends and making dreams come true :) Love this job and the joy I get from it!
I cant believe it but the time has come....I said goodbye to my 20's on Sat and Hello to 30 on Sunday. I cant believe the time has gone bye so fast. Well at least I feel like it went by fast even though I know the last 2 years did not fly by at all!!
Boy how my life has changed in the last 2 years since I started this blog. I have finally found a full time job, picked up my life and moved to Tennessee, made some knew friends and learned so much about myself. I am a totally different person today compared to when I was 28. You wouldn't think that things would change so much in 2 years but boy did they.

I am really happy with myself and with life. My 20's were such a roller coaster filled with lots of ups and downs. From graduating college with both a bachelors and masters degree to the death of my daddy. Through it all i have turned out a better person and I wouldn't be the person I am today without everything that happened to me during my 20's. But I am glad to say goodbye to them and hello to my 30s. I am ready to face this new decade head on and I cant wait to see all the adventures (weather good or bad) that will come my way. I know that I will still learn a lot about myself but I am ready for it.
I spent my birthday in FL working a competition. Yes I worked on my birthday. But I wanted to see some of my good friends and well
going to Disney to work a comp is the only way that was going to happen. Even though I worked I really enjoyed my birthday! My friends made sure it was a special day. Erin and James sent beautiful flowers to me in FL, Hehe made me a hat and sash, Katie gave me a sweet card and lots of others just gave me hugs and told me happy birthday. All I cared about were the people I would be with not anything else. So I thank everyone for helping me have such a great day!!
Lots of people have asked me how it feels to be 30 and right now it
feels no different. But ask me in a year or 2 and I might actually have a
different opinion. One thing I do know is that I am not 21 anymore
and I can no longer act like that or pretend like I am. But I do still
feel like I am 25 and not 30 (which I have no idea what 30 should feel
So now on to a new decade and changing of the name of my blog. So keep checking back because the name change will be happening very soon. Love you guys!!
Chloe :)