Hey Everyone!
So today I had a much needed day off! I had worked 19 straight days and my body and sanity needed this day!! I had a nice todo list that I wanted to get done today and well lets just say I only did 2 of the things on this list! haha so I still havent cleaned out my car or vacuumed it meaning that yes their is still glass in it from when my car got broken into on Aug 1st :) and I still havent gotten my oil changed haha but they were not important things to me today! The most important thing to me was today was a hair cut! I havent had my hair cut since the first week of June and I thought that it was time I needed it and I thought that I deserved it also! For those of you that really know me know that my hair is always long (and yes it is still long) but before I went into the hair salon today my hair was half way down my back if not a little longer and when I walked out it is about an inch or 2 below my shoulders. I think she took like 3-4 inches off and I love it! I talked to her about taking more off but she said no! I laughed and she told me that I had beautiful and that a lot of people would die for and she would not cut it short! Which I am totally ok with because I know I would cry and be totally upset with myself and her if she actually let me do it! I have lots of fun layers in it now, my bangs are back and it just looks so health! I love it! She also showed me that I would actually look really cute if I got real bangs cut (so this might be something I try in the near future to change things up a bit). I also got my nails done today!! I am going on month #2 of not biting! It is so exciting to know that I just broke this habit (at the moment) just because I wanted too. No fake nails needed! I am still working on them being strong and not breaking when they get to a certain length but that will come with time. The longest I have ever gone without biting is 6 months and this time I want to not only break the 6 month mark but I want to break the habit all together!! So those are the 2 things off my todo list that actually got done today :) but I think after the busy schedule I have had that pampering myself and just taking care of me today was much needed and deserved!! Basketball season officially starts for me on Monday so I needed a little me time before it gets into full swing! Next big break I will get is Christmas when I am going to London!! ahhh so far away but I cant wait!! Hope everyone is doing well I will try and find a more interesting topic to write about next time!! Thanks for reading :)
Chloe :)
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