Before |
This past weekend Erin, Megan, their mom, her best friend and I made a trip up to Charles Town, WV to go to the Hollywood Casino and horse race track to celebrate Erin getting married! Lets just say 6 hours in the car on Friday was a very long time but it was worth the drive for the fun we had! On Friday night we went to the Skybox Sports Bar for dinner. Lets just say this was the most interesting dinner I have had in a long time and all because Erin thought it would be fun to try and concur "The beast". This is a 2lb burger, 1lb of toppings and 1lb of fries....so yes that is 4lbs of food and she had an hour to eat it all. For those of you that know Erin know that she might weigh 110lbs soaking wet so for her to eat this much food in one setting was going to be interesting (even though this little girl does know how to eat)! When the waitress brought out the food, first she was shocked that they were bringing the thing to this little bachelorette and second all the people around us about fell on the floor. The one guy sitting behind us looked at her and said let me know if you need help with that. The manager even came out and told her that she was in total shock when they told her that a little bachelorette ordered "The Beast" and that she hoped she could complete it because she would be the first female to concur it and she would love to have her picture in all her gear up on their board. haha the power went out in the casino and bar not long after she got her food and Megan did think of all the different ways we could hide the food or get rid of some of it so Erin could win, get her picture taken and win her t-shirt but in the end "The beast" concurred Erin and she only finished half of the meal. (which I do give her props for because I dont think I could have eaten as much of it as she did) below are 3 pics I took to document her and "The beast" challenge
During the challenge |
After she threw in the towel |
While we were in the casino their were horrible storms going on outside
and all around us (we did not know they were happening other than the
warnings that were on the TVs in the bar and the fact that the power
went out for about 10mins) After we finished dinner we went and did some
gambling for about 3 hours. I lost $40 (was up by about 16 and got
greedy) but I guess that happens, you think you are feeling lucky and
then you get greedy and loose it! At least I wasnt like Erin who put $3
in won up to $100 and then lost it all haha :) at about 2am we decided
to head back to the hotel to get some sleep! It was such a fun first day
and Sat was going to be even better!

Sat morning we pretty much slept in and everyone was finally fully awake by 11am and ready for the day. We started out the day learning that thousands of people in WV had lost power due to the horrible storms that came through the night before that we really had no idea were happening due to being in the casino all night. We drove through the town of Charles Town on out way to a distillery to taste some limoncello for the first time. Lets just say when we pulled up to this plantation that was built in 1840 their were trees down all over the place but the building was standing and it was so cute! We walked in to learn that they did not have any power from the storms the night before but they were opened and ready to let us taste! Limoncello is a Italian drink, the people that owned the place said they were in Italy the year or so before and they really enjoyed it and could not find it here in the states so they decided to make their own. They had only been open in Oct 2011 and they did have times when they ran out of stuff because they zest all the lemons themselves and grow all the lemons and raspberries that they use. It was very fun and interesting to learn about their history and how they made their Limoncello! we also learned that they bought the plantation off of craigs list! While we were they got Erin to put on their lemon costume! It was so funny but she looked so cute in it! Our little Lemon Bachelorette :) When we were done at the distillery we headed back to hotel to rest up for a night full of horse racing and gambling!!

Sat night we headed to the Skyline Terrance for dinner! Now this was one heck of a restaurant! Every table in the restaurant had an amazing view of the race track, there was a TV at every table so you could watch the race and keep up with the odds and such for every horse and the table was ours for the whole night! It was so great! They had an amazing buffet that we could eat at whenever we wanted to till 10pm and the betting window was right by our table! I will just say it was one of the most fun nights I have had in a very long time!! I loved the races (it was the first one i had ever been too)! It was just so fun and we got so excited when someone at the table had bet on a horse! I ended up beating about $12 on the night and won back $7.60 so I would say I didnt to do bad haha. It was so much fun to walk out to the track and hear and see the horses up close! The track was really fast on sat night and it was so clear from the start how fast the horses were! I def would love to go back and see the races again and I would really love to head to the Kentucky Derby one day!! (as you can tell from the pic above we dressed like we were going to the KY Derby) We just had so much fun and the jockey that road I'll Have Another (the winner of the Kentucky Derby and Belmont Stakes ) was their riding in 2 different races so that was cool! When the races were over around 11 we headed back to the hotel to change clothes (so we could be comfortable for our night of gambling). Lets just say by the end of the night I had lost a total of $80 in the casino (total on both nights) I did at one point get up by about $10 but once again I got greedy and lost it all (you would have thought I would have learned from the night before) but no I didnt. But since I never go gambling and this past weekend was only the 2nd time in my whole life that I had even been in casino I did not get upset at my looses but I will take it as a lesson learned for the next time I decided to gamble! haha

But over all I had a fantastic weekend and I can not wait till September 8th when Erin and James will say I do and we get to celebrate the actual event of their wedding!!
Chloe :)