For the past two weeks I have had the opportunity to spend some more time at Disney World. This time I was there to work both the High School Dance and High School Cheerleading competitions. I really enjoy getting the chance to go and work these events, mainly because I enjoy spending time with some of my favorite people that I only get to see during this time of year! I did go to the parks a couple times (I think 3 days out of the 13 I was down there) spending most of my time at either Hollywood Studios or the Magic Kingdom. For most people this is going to come as a big shock being that I have been going down to Disney for the last 8 years but I finally got to see Tinker Bell fly for the first time ever during the fireworks at Magic Kingdom during this trip. I am not real sure how this was the first time I had seen it happen but I was a very happy person! Also at the Magic Kingdom they show a really cool slide show of videos and pictures of people that day at the park on the castle before the firework show. It is really neat and I love how they make it so the castle doesn't look like a castle during the show. Even though I go to Disney a lot I feel like I discover something new every time I go!! Also this time I got to meet some new people that I can now call new friends. Its always great to go to an event as a old vet and meet new people that just click and fit right in with our group! Thats the great thing about this company is that you are always meeting new people and making new friends! haha :)

I will be returning to Disney for a 3rd trip the first week of March. I am way excited about this upcoming trip because I will once again get to spend like 5 days with my Bestie Katie!! I mean not sure how we got so lucky to get to see each other 2 times within 3 months after we have gone like 3 years without seeing each other but I am way excited about it!! This time Katie I wont be such a loser and go to bed early every night and also we will both be staying around longer than just the Monday after the comp so we will get some quality Bestie time in and I hope you are ready for it!! :) To the left is a little collage of pictures I put together of Katie, if you cant tell already I am way excited to see her and get the chance to spend some more time with her!!
Well thats just a quick catch up on what I have been up to. Their are way more changes going on in my life right now but I will talk about all that at another time!! Enjoy a couple more pics from my last trip to Disney!
Chloe :)