Hey everyone,
So this is the time of year when my life goes crazy and I barely have enough time to breathe much less think about anything else! But it is also my favorite time of year because basketball is in full conference mode and softball is starting!! My life is busy but I love it that way and watching both of these teams play is one of my favorite past times!! My basketball team is 9-3 overall and 3-1 in conference play and today is day 2 of softball practice. At this moment I am wondering why I even have an apt because I am only there to shower and sleep. Poor Boris probably thinks I hate him right now because I am never there. My schedule will only pick up and get more crazy as we enter Feb and softball starts their travel schedule. But for now I am ok with being busy because it means I have no time to spend money and that is a very good thing!!
Chloe :)